How do I become a member?
Click the "Become a Member Now" button to fill out your membership online and to pay your $10.00 annual membership fee online.
Click "Download a Membership Form" to fill out the form by hand. You can email your completed form to info@autismyukon.org or bring it into Autism Yukon along with your $10.00 membership fee. Please note, if you choose to pay in person at Autism Yukon, we can only accept cash at this time.
Self advocates may apply to have the membership fee waived.
Why should I become a member?
As a member, you:
- Can access our resource library of books, DVD's, games and more
- Will receive e-mail updates on upcoming meetings, news releases and research updates.
- Will be contributing to the long term sustainability of this valuable resource in our community.
- Will meet great families and support networks in the Autism Yukon Community. You will have all the benefits of advocacy, support and information sharing that is part of our Autism Yukon mandate.
You can become a member at anytime throughout the year. Voters must be at least 18 years old. Membership fees are due at time of registration. Renewal is every year on April 2 (World Autism Day).
Why is there a fee?
Membership fees will help cover costs for printing material, meeting costs, and Autism Yukon events.
Two kinds of membership: voting and non-voting
What if I don’t want to become a member because I don’t want to commit to attending your annual general meeting? I just want the support and community…
You can sign up to be a non-voting member. This will entitle you to all of the membership benefits, but without any obligation to attend annual general meetings, and you’ll be showing your support for our organisation.
Can I make a donation to Autism Yukon?
Can I make a donation to Autism Yukon?