Autism Yukon
Our Mission: Through advocacy, support, education and collaboration, Autism Yukon is committed to fostering an understanding and inclusive community for autistic and other neurodiverse individuals.

Our Mission: Through advocacy, support, education and collaboration, Autism Yukon is committed to fostering an understanding and inclusive community for autistic and other neurodiverse individuals.
Autism Yukon was founded in 2007 by parents who were compelled to create a better environment for those living with autism spectrum disorder in the Yukon Territory.
Our mandate is three-fold:
We increase awareness in our community through advertising campaigns, addressing gaps in services, targeted projects and special events. The greatest problem faced by most individuals on the autism spectrum is discrimination!
We educate families, support workers, educators, employers, organizations and the community through our resource library, workshops, one-on-one training and problem-solving. We educate ourselves through research and via connections with national autism programs and organizations.
We support our members through listening actively, making referrals, family navigation, researching and trouble-shooting, attending meetings and performing any other tasks that help make life a little easier
Autism Yukon is proud to be the Northern Hub for AIDE Canada.
Visit AIDE Canada’s website for resources, toolkits and more :
This program is a caregiver-mediated program geared towards caregivers of children aged 2 years – 7 years 11 months with a developmental delay or developmental disorder, affecting their language abilities and social skills.
The program consists of 9 weekly group sessions with other parents, as well as three home visits. Areas of focus are: helping children become and stay more engaged, shared engagement in routines, understanding and promoting communication, preventing and teaching alternatives to challenging behaviour, teaching new skills and problem solving.
If you are interested in an upcoming group please contact the Project Coordinator at
The Launch Program helps families prepare for and respond to key life transitions, and to guide the journey from adolescence to adulthood. Families will create an individualized Transition Plan with their teen or young adult and be provided with valuable information to help their teen/young adult succeed.
This is a 6-week group that explores a variety of topics including creating a future vision, preparing for key transitions, managing health and mental health issues, finding social and recreational programs, developing life and vocational skills, exploring volunteer and work opportunities, housing and support program options, and legal and financial issues.
To sign up for our next group please contact the Project Coordinator at
PEERS (Program for the Education and Enrichment of Relationship Skills) is an evidence-based, social skills intervention program for motivated teens or young adults who are interested in learning ways to help them make and keep friends. During each group session, young adults are taught important skills and are given the opportunity to practice these skills in session during socialization activities.
Please contact Autism Yukon directly at about the next PEERS program for teens (15 to 18) or young adults (18 years of age and older).
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Project Lifesaver a search and rescue program designed for “at risk” individuals who are prone to the life threatening behavior of wandering.
Autism Yukon is an agency of Project Lifesaver International. As an agency we work together with Yukon Search and Rescue and the RCMP to provide timely response to save lives and reduce potential injury for adults and children who wander due to Autism, Alzheimer's, and other cognitive conditions.
For more information about the project, please visit the following website:
If you are interested in signing up or learning more, please call the office at 667-6406 or email to set up a meeting and demonstration.
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A safe, multi-sensory, stimulating and/or relaxing environment that allows clients to self-regulate and choose a variety of sensations that they wish to experience – movement, massage, sights, sounds, smells, touch, vibrations, etc.
Research has shown that multisensory rooms are beneficial for individuals with autism and also individuals with brain injuries, learning disabilities, dementia, mental health concerns, challenging behaviours, physical challenges and more.
The Sensory Room will be booked by appointment. It is not available for drop-in. Appointments will be 45 minutes in length. A parent/guardian, caregiver, or support professional must always be present in the room. Users will be required to review the Sensory Room policies and to sign a legal release.
Families and professionals interested in using the Sensory Room MUST attend an introductory workshop before using the room.
There is no cost for this session.
To learn more or to register for an upcoming workshop, contact Carlie Graef (Sensory Room Coordinator) at
The room should be artificially created and supported by the natural environment.
The session should be devoted to the stimulation of all the senses.
It must be safe, comfortable, consistent and predictable (start out in the same way each time).
Empowerment through self-choice.
Using the sensory room is a demand-free activity and provides the possibility of both interactive and passive use.
Facilitators must be trained. Clients should not be in the room alone.
Fornes, S. (2009). Multi Sensory Environments. Ashville, Alabama, Chrilisan, LLC.
Here are some forms you may find useful.
Community Navigation provides individuals, families, educators, employers and anyone else who is interested with information about autism. We provide support throughout the diagnostic process. This can also include helping families find “who to talk to about what.” This service is available for families and/or self-advocates of all ages.
Printed copies are also available for free from Autism Yukon (we are in the process of updating our booklets - please watch for revised versions in the Spring of 2025)
A guide for families and individuals going through the diagnostic process.
A guide for families and individuals going through the diagnostic process.
A guide for families and individuals after the diagnostic process.
Copyright © Autism Yukon all rights reserved.